Sunday 28 September 2014


So Far I have developed the Idea of a psycho thriller about a insane serial killer explaining to his victim how he girt into the filthy business of murder.In  this post i will describe which films have inspired me to develop this idea and what aspects of them i will use


Lucy is a Sci Fi action thriller.The film inspired me to plan my thriller as it informed the audience what was happening through cut away clips of other videos for example when Lucy is about to be kidnapped it cuts away to a cheetah about to pounce on its prey of suspense this ads a element of suspense as the audience wonder if Lucy will be captured  like the cheetahs prey. I felt this was a nice touch and had not really been used before i plan on using this in my own thriller


Akira is another film that play's an important role in planning my thriller.made in 1988 this is the anime film that really made anime popular abroad especially  in US and UK. The film uses revolutionary techniques such as the first anime to show characters moving all parts on their face showing their full facial expression before characters just moved their mouth. The film really uses this to its fullest when the main character. Tetsuo Shima starts to go insane due to the psychological effect of his new powers.They show this through extreme close ups of areas of his face and close up's of his face i hope to incorporate this into my own thriller.

Pulp fiction

Pulp fiction is another has a 
lurid tone. As the violence is over the top and brutal and everything is shot in high key lighting. I feel that when filming form the killers point of view i should high key lighting and make the violence seem over the top create the effect he is enjoying it

The Godfather

This film has an authentic setting it feels like this is a 1940's mob family .This is due to low key lighting, the music,the props and other things in the setting such as cars. I hope that i can also create the correct atmosphere in my thriller and really make it feel authentic

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