Monday 15 September 2014


Hi my name is Kevwe Ogufere and this is my Blog.In this blog I will be talking about the key characteristics that defines a thriller and what makes them so entertaining to watch.Despite My knowledge of film, I still have a lot to learn about the thriller genre over the Next few months.

  • One of the most important things to me in the thriller genre is tension.
  • Tension between certain characters can explain why later in the story there may be conflict.
  • This can caused due to rivalry,jealousy,Hate,Love and other reason's this particularly useful in Thrillers that Involve elements of Crime

  • Another important element in the Thriller genre is conflict.
  • This can be caused by tension between certain characters and is useful introduce violence into a certain scene's
  • This used repeatedly through out the genre

  • The Atmosphere plays a massive role in any genre of film particularly thriller
  • Certain atmospheres can be created with  music,lighting,background and historical context
  • Thrillers tend to have dark or mysterious atmospheres

  • Suspense is used multiple times throughout this genre
  • By creating tension the director can leave the audience feeling anxious and excited about what is going to happen next
  • The characters in thrillers are very complex and have allot of depth to them
  • Sometimes they may have gone through trauma or some sort uncomfortable experience which has changed them
  • There is usually some sort of rivalry between certain characters and it can be entertaining watch as tension rises between them
  • The story also tends to be complex.
  • With many plots twist and areas full of suspense sometimes it can feel like completing puzzle 
  • Another aspect of thriller is crime. 
  • Due to conflict and tension between characters usually a crime is committed
  • This raises question to the audience (e.g why was this person killed)
  • In most thrillers there is usually a villain
  • However unlike most films it is not easy to distinguish which character is the villain

  • Location important in thriller
  • Due to the fact that most thrillers are based of crime they tend to be set in city's
  • The location of thrillers tends areas with unusual amounts of violence however not to much that it becomes an action movie.(e.g 1940's New York)
  • The time is also another important element
  • This can provide historical context to the story
  • It can also explain why there is crime going on within this area

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