Sunday 28 September 2014


So far I have decided to plan psycho thriller.It is about a insane serial killer that is explaining to his current victim how he got into the filthy businesses of murder.

The Joker

The joker from comic books,films and games is a very interesting character he does not see murder as bad but as a game or a joke he willing to but both his and other people's life on the line to ensure that he finds something funny.I hope my character is very much like this that he enjoys killing and get much pleasure out of it.


An album by tyler the creator .In this  album it is clear that his bad  child hood(such as when he was bullied at school and his father left him and his mother) has had an influence on his music.I want this also to be apparent in the story. Something needs to have happened to my character in the past to explain why he now feels insane.

Bioshock Burial at sea

Bioshock Burial at is a DLC to the game Bioshock infinite in which the story returns to the setting of Bioshock 1 Rapture.This is  a underwater city made in the 1940's to escape the socialist,religious and the fairness of capitalist democracy.' restrictions of society'. At the beginning of the game it is very much a utopia however half way through story once you enter the abandoned district it quickly becomes a dystopia. There are splicers people addicted to plasmids that want to kill you and harvest your eve(plasmid made in rapture to genetically modify humans to give them power) little sisters (little girls that have been captured turned into monsters and harvest eve from dead bodies) and big daddy's designed to work on maintenance in city however some protect the little sisters from splicers).It executes this dark theme with low key lighting creepy music,jump scares and effects such as smoke and flickering lights.I hope to create this same scary atmosphere in my own thriller.


Dexter is a TV Drama about a serial killer who has to hide his secret while he works within the police department.I want to incorporate this theme into my thriller my character should be wanting to hide his secret from everyone else until the right moment


So Far I have developed the Idea of a psycho thriller about a insane serial killer explaining to his victim how he girt into the filthy business of murder.In  this post i will describe which films have inspired me to develop this idea and what aspects of them i will use


Lucy is a Sci Fi action thriller.The film inspired me to plan my thriller as it informed the audience what was happening through cut away clips of other videos for example when Lucy is about to be kidnapped it cuts away to a cheetah about to pounce on its prey of suspense this ads a element of suspense as the audience wonder if Lucy will be captured  like the cheetahs prey. I felt this was a nice touch and had not really been used before i plan on using this in my own thriller


Akira is another film that play's an important role in planning my thriller.made in 1988 this is the anime film that really made anime popular abroad especially  in US and UK. The film uses revolutionary techniques such as the first anime to show characters moving all parts on their face showing their full facial expression before characters just moved their mouth. The film really uses this to its fullest when the main character. Tetsuo Shima starts to go insane due to the psychological effect of his new powers.They show this through extreme close ups of areas of his face and close up's of his face i hope to incorporate this into my own thriller.

Pulp fiction

Pulp fiction is another has a 
lurid tone. As the violence is over the top and brutal and everything is shot in high key lighting. I feel that when filming form the killers point of view i should high key lighting and make the violence seem over the top create the effect he is enjoying it

The Godfather

This film has an authentic setting it feels like this is a 1940's mob family .This is due to low key lighting, the music,the props and other things in the setting such as cars. I hope that i can also create the correct atmosphere in my thriller and really make it feel authentic


Scarlett Johanson

Born in New york city with both jewish and danish origin. She showed an outstanding work in her newest film 'Lucy'(sci fi thriller) .In this film she shows  the polarisation of her character turning from an insecure young lady in her 20's to a confident lady with super abilities after accessing a hundreds percent of her cerebral capacity.

Morgan freeman

Born in 1937 memphis Tennessee he is known for his calm Authoritative voice as a result he plays older wiser characters such as that in Shawshank Redemption

Samuel L Jackson 

Born in 1948 DC Washington he is known particularly well for his work in Pulp Fiction where he played a Religious Gangster especially when he was supposed to quote the bible but decided to improvise 

John Travolta

 Born in New jersey 1954 known  well for playing a cool laid back character such as in Grease ,Pulp fiction and Saturday night fever

Tim Roth

Born in london 1961 he is unique he has an incredible talent in imitating accents he is known for his work in pulp fiction and Reservoir dogs in both of which he played a young character

Bruce willis

Born in rhineland west Germany 1955 his characters tend to be tough hard working characters that end up in unfortunate situations such as in die hard,pulp fiction and the sixth sense. He often ends up battling his way out of these tough situation and ends up becoming a hero.

George Clooney 

George Clooney has been in multiple films the characters he plays tends to be smart hansom and able to handle them self in tough situations such as in Gravity

Tom Hanks

Born in concord California 1956 his characters tend to be nice honest, good hatred people that end in difficult situations. He is known for his work in Saving Mr's banks,Forest Gump and captain philips

Uma thurman

Born in Boston Massachusetts 1970 the character she plays tend to be a strong sexy feminine role  she can often hold her own in a fight such as in kill bill or is very attractive to the other sex such as in pulp fiction 

Michael Madsen 

Born in Chicago Illinois 1958 he smooth talking character laid back character  or the polar opposite a firm businessman who gets things don he known for his work in Reservoir dogs and kill bill however he made an exceptional performance in the crime thriller game Grand theft auto 5 which made US 1$ billion in the first 3 days

Christopher waltz

Born in Vienna Austria he often  a reasonable German that gets things done however his characters often have a dark undertone

Leonardo DiCaprio

Probably the most divers actor on this list he is able to play pretty much any character. He was born in 1974 LA. He is known for his work in Wolf of wall street,The Great Gatsby and Titanic.

Al Pacino

Born in 1940 New york manhattan. He is known for his work in the godfather films and in scarface.He is exceptionally well at playing a mobster in crime thrillers.

Marlon Brando

Born in 1924 Omaha Nebraska. He is known for his work in The godfather,wild one and apocalypse know and like Leonardo DiCaprio he is a diverse actor

Wednesday 24 September 2014



  (born in 1963 Tennessee) Quentin Tarantino one of the most influential crime thriller directors. He is Responsible for 'Pulp fiction' and 'Reservoir Dogs' .His films are known for allot of violence,gore and action, he also make his characters more relatable by having them talk about every day things such as eating burgers before committing a crime
  • Techniques
  • Building a story around a violent object e.g kill bill samaurai sword
  • sampling techniques from classic films e.g kill bill fighting scenes mimics old kung fu movies 
  • comic fight scenes which are over the top and brutal and can often make audience laugh, they are unrealistic and cheesy

(Born in1939 Detroit )Francis Ford Coppola is famous for his work with the Godfather and apocalypse now.When it comes to the thriller genre he is known for the atmosphere he creates with music,setting ,time and lighting 

(born in 1965 New york city)Bryan stinger directed the films Valkyrie and The Usual suspects considered by some to be the best thriller of all time.He almost always has a great cast of actors and good plot twist in his films 

(born in 1957 Olney Maryland) Frank miller - responsible for the film sin city a dame to kill for and co directed sin city.He uses  his skills he gained from writing graphic novels and incorporates them into film making. This makes his films  artistic with a certain atmospheric tone 

(Born in 1899 London essex)Alfred Hitchcock -successful in hollywood,british cinema and early talkies he has be nicknamed the master of suspense due to his incredible work within the psychological thriller genre

(Born in 1962 Colorado)David finches- Known for his work with seven and the girl, dragon tatoo and fight club.Some of his work has become cult cult classics such as aliens 3 and fight club due to some unforgettable scenes.

(Born in 1946 Ohio)Steven Spielberg is arguably the most influential director in modern film.responsible for films such as Jaws and Schindler's list  list he has had allot of success in the box office, His films hae incredible music,unforgettable scenes and are extremely creative

Monday 15 September 2014


   I believe that a thriller can be book or film that has an exiting plot full suspense and tension.It does include crime, violence and conflict however it is not as open as an action film and focuses more on developing the characters and the plot 


Hi my name is Kevwe Ogufere and this is my Blog.In this blog I will be talking about the key characteristics that defines a thriller and what makes them so entertaining to watch.Despite My knowledge of film, I still have a lot to learn about the thriller genre over the Next few months.

  • One of the most important things to me in the thriller genre is tension.
  • Tension between certain characters can explain why later in the story there may be conflict.
  • This can caused due to rivalry,jealousy,Hate,Love and other reason's this particularly useful in Thrillers that Involve elements of Crime

  • Another important element in the Thriller genre is conflict.
  • This can be caused by tension between certain characters and is useful introduce violence into a certain scene's
  • This used repeatedly through out the genre

  • The Atmosphere plays a massive role in any genre of film particularly thriller
  • Certain atmospheres can be created with  music,lighting,background and historical context
  • Thrillers tend to have dark or mysterious atmospheres

  • Suspense is used multiple times throughout this genre
  • By creating tension the director can leave the audience feeling anxious and excited about what is going to happen next
  • The characters in thrillers are very complex and have allot of depth to them
  • Sometimes they may have gone through trauma or some sort uncomfortable experience which has changed them
  • There is usually some sort of rivalry between certain characters and it can be entertaining watch as tension rises between them
  • The story also tends to be complex.
  • With many plots twist and areas full of suspense sometimes it can feel like completing puzzle 
  • Another aspect of thriller is crime. 
  • Due to conflict and tension between characters usually a crime is committed
  • This raises question to the audience (e.g why was this person killed)
  • In most thrillers there is usually a villain
  • However unlike most films it is not easy to distinguish which character is the villain

  • Location important in thriller
  • Due to the fact that most thrillers are based of crime they tend to be set in city's
  • The location of thrillers tends areas with unusual amounts of violence however not to much that it becomes an action movie.(e.g 1940's New York)
  • The time is also another important element
  • This can provide historical context to the story
  • It can also explain why there is crime going on within this area