Saturday 15 November 2014

Film Classification Guidlines

How does classification work
  • bbfc give films  ratings before released that is suitable for consumer and keeps underaged children from unsuitable content.
  • They watch each film then give it a rating according to the classification guidelines.
  • Senior examiner makes final decision if he has any doubt he will take it to board,director and presidential team
  • The same applies for Blu-ray and DVD.

  • 4-5 years they carry out mass consultation excise and find out publics view on film ratings
  • The criteria is constantly changing due to public attitude
  • The category range from U to R18 this is to protect children from harmful content and empower parents and consumer with responsibility of what they watch

  • The U stands for suitable for all audiences 4 and over
  • can contain mild bad language is only aloud
  • can contain mild undefiled sexual behaviour such as kissing
  • It can contain mild brief violence if character is in a difficult situation and weapons may be used that are relevant to historical setting
  • Children may copy anti-social and dangerous behaviour therefor this is not permitted in a U
  • Drug use or references are not aloud in a U film.

  • This stands for parental guidance generally for children over eights but no matter what age requires parents consent 
  • Not all PG are not made for younger audience but are deemed suitable for all audience
  • PG's will not contain anything inappropriate themes but can contain challenges such as bullying and racism
  • sex references are unlikely unless displayed through methods such as comedy
  • Violence will be mild may contain blood but often in a fantasy setting
  • children may copy smoking, drinking,doing drugs,playing with weapons,bullying,antisocial behaviour and dangerous activities this is often not permitted in these films
  • Rarely there are references to illegal drugs
12A and 12 

  • 12 means any child over the age 12 can see this film 12A means that any child under this age must be accompanied by an adult
  • If a film is dark and unsettling it will not be a 12A unless it has positive elements
  • Strong language may be used depending on the context
  • discriminative language usually is not passed especially if it is aggressive 
  • brief sexual references may be shown but must be suitable for teenagers and can be reduces with comedy.
  • violence is aloud as long as blood and injuries are not emphasised and sexual assault such as rape may be hinted at
  • some horror movies are passed as 12 as long as not to violent or disturbing
  • children may copy dangerous behaviour,drug use and anti social behaviour
  • No one under the age of 15 can see this film
  • strong violence,language,nudity,sexual references and behaviour,discrimination and drug taking
  • strong language can be used is in context is to agressive may not be permitted
  • there may be nudity and sexual behaviour but not heavily detailed
  • blood and injuries may be shown but not gore
  • sexual violence must be shown passively 
  • there can be horror as long as it is not focussed on sexualised threat
  • Drug use may be used but dangerous substances like aerosoles are unlikely to be seen
  • suicide and self harm may be copied

  • No one under 18 can see this film
  • violence,strong language,sexual activity,sexual violence,strong horror,blood and gore,real sex and discriminatory behaviour may be shown
  • There may be full nudity and real sex as long as the video is not sex work
  • sex works are designed to sexual arouse or stimulate adults.It includes fetish material,explicit images that can only be shown in a R18
  • Drugs may be shown but not to encourage or promote
  • people may copy harm and criminal behaviour

  • Contains sex work performed by adults and therefor can only be sold in sex shops specially licensed cinemas but may not be mailed

My Thriller opening title sequence will be a 15 as it contains elements of gore,horror,strong violence and drug use

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