Sunday 16 November 2014

Shooting schedule

  • Part of it was shot on 11th of November Wednesday at school and the other at my house on Saturday 16th of November
  • It took a total of 4hours and 4 minutes to film 
  • 4hours at home and 4 minutes at school







Bottle opener

Table and Chair


Fake Blood




Credit Card

Corrosive Material


£5 and Sherbert


Boxing Wrap

Target audience

Over 15

  • It will be shown only  to people only above the age of 15 due to the fact it has mature content
  • It contains blood,violence,gore and drugs
Psycho Thriller
  • It is a psycho thriller those that enjoy movies mentally unstable main character will enjoy this film
  • It can be compared to the film Psycho

  • The film will appeal to those that enjoy solving puzzles and riddle in order to understand the narrative such as in the film inception.
  • It is very much similar to a whodunnit from the perspective of certain character very similar to the film inspector calls.This means those that enjoy murder mysteries will like this 
  • The main character will set various challenges for the police and media to solve very similar to the Joker from the film the Dark knight
Serial killers
  • Those that are fascinated by films or TV series based around serial killers will get allot of enjoyment out of this film
  • The film contains graphic violence and elements of action.
  • Those that enjoy films such as saw or pain and gain will like this film
Lurid/dark tone
  • people that enjoy films such as pulp fiction for its unpleasantly bright tone will like this film
  • people that also enjoys films such as watchdogs with a pro dominant dark tone will also get enjoyment out of this film
My target audience is those 15 and over who like Psycho thriller based around serial killers.The also enjoy the following things:violence, puzzles,Lurid tone and Dark tone

Saturday 15 November 2014

Film Classification Guidlines

How does classification work
  • bbfc give films  ratings before released that is suitable for consumer and keeps underaged children from unsuitable content.
  • They watch each film then give it a rating according to the classification guidelines.
  • Senior examiner makes final decision if he has any doubt he will take it to board,director and presidential team
  • The same applies for Blu-ray and DVD.

  • 4-5 years they carry out mass consultation excise and find out publics view on film ratings
  • The criteria is constantly changing due to public attitude
  • The category range from U to R18 this is to protect children from harmful content and empower parents and consumer with responsibility of what they watch

  • The U stands for suitable for all audiences 4 and over
  • can contain mild bad language is only aloud
  • can contain mild undefiled sexual behaviour such as kissing
  • It can contain mild brief violence if character is in a difficult situation and weapons may be used that are relevant to historical setting
  • Children may copy anti-social and dangerous behaviour therefor this is not permitted in a U
  • Drug use or references are not aloud in a U film.

  • This stands for parental guidance generally for children over eights but no matter what age requires parents consent 
  • Not all PG are not made for younger audience but are deemed suitable for all audience
  • PG's will not contain anything inappropriate themes but can contain challenges such as bullying and racism
  • sex references are unlikely unless displayed through methods such as comedy
  • Violence will be mild may contain blood but often in a fantasy setting
  • children may copy smoking, drinking,doing drugs,playing with weapons,bullying,antisocial behaviour and dangerous activities this is often not permitted in these films
  • Rarely there are references to illegal drugs
12A and 12 

  • 12 means any child over the age 12 can see this film 12A means that any child under this age must be accompanied by an adult
  • If a film is dark and unsettling it will not be a 12A unless it has positive elements
  • Strong language may be used depending on the context
  • discriminative language usually is not passed especially if it is aggressive 
  • brief sexual references may be shown but must be suitable for teenagers and can be reduces with comedy.
  • violence is aloud as long as blood and injuries are not emphasised and sexual assault such as rape may be hinted at
  • some horror movies are passed as 12 as long as not to violent or disturbing
  • children may copy dangerous behaviour,drug use and anti social behaviour
  • No one under the age of 15 can see this film
  • strong violence,language,nudity,sexual references and behaviour,discrimination and drug taking
  • strong language can be used is in context is to agressive may not be permitted
  • there may be nudity and sexual behaviour but not heavily detailed
  • blood and injuries may be shown but not gore
  • sexual violence must be shown passively 
  • there can be horror as long as it is not focussed on sexualised threat
  • Drug use may be used but dangerous substances like aerosoles are unlikely to be seen
  • suicide and self harm may be copied

  • No one under 18 can see this film
  • violence,strong language,sexual activity,sexual violence,strong horror,blood and gore,real sex and discriminatory behaviour may be shown
  • There may be full nudity and real sex as long as the video is not sex work
  • sex works are designed to sexual arouse or stimulate adults.It includes fetish material,explicit images that can only be shown in a R18
  • Drugs may be shown but not to encourage or promote
  • people may copy harm and criminal behaviour

  • Contains sex work performed by adults and therefor can only be sold in sex shops specially licensed cinemas but may not be mailed

My Thriller opening title sequence will be a 15 as it contains elements of gore,horror,strong violence and drug use

Thursday 13 November 2014

Narrative theory Propp and character type

Vladimir Propp
  • Born in 1895 he attended saint petersburg university 1923-18,he taught Russian and German in his secondary school and became a college german teacher
  • he published “Morphology of the Folktale" in 1928
  • He came up with a Narrative structure derived from Folktale which can be Brocken into 31 functions 
  • He also came up with the 8 character types that make up a narrative

31 Functions
  1. ABSENTATION: A member of a family leaves the security of the home environment. This may be the hero or some other member of the family that the hero will later need to rescue. This division of the cohesive family injects initial tension into the storyline. The hero may also be introduced here, often being shown as an ordinary person.
  2. INTERDICTION: An interdiction is addressed to the hero ('don't go there', 'don't do this'). The hero is warned against some action (given an 'interdiction').
  3. VIOLATION of INTERDICTION. The interdiction is violated (villain enters the tale). This generally proves to be a bad move and the villain enters the story, although not necessarily confronting the hero. Perhaps they are just a lurking presence or perhaps they attack the family whilst the hero is away.
  4. RECONNAISSANCE: The villain makes an attempt at reconnaissance (either villain tries to find the children/jewels etc.; or intended victim questions the villain). The villain (often in disguise) makes an active attempt at seeking information, for example searching for something valuable or trying to actively capture someone. They may speak with a member of the family who innocently divulges information. They may also seek to meet the hero, perhaps knowing already the hero is special in some way.
  5. DELIVERY: The villain gains information about the victim. The villain's seeking now pays off and he or she now acquires some form of information, often about the hero or victim. Other information can be gained, for example about a map or treasure location.
  6. TRICKERY: The villain attempts to deceive the victim to take possession of victim or victim's belongings (trickery; villain disguised, tries to win confidence of victim). The villain now presses further, often using the information gained in seeking to deceive the hero or victim in some way, perhaps appearing in disguise. This may include capture of the victim, getting the hero to give the villain something or persuading them that the villain is actually a friend and thereby gaining collaboration.
  7. COMPLICITY: Victim taken in by deception, unwittingly helping the enemy. The trickery of the villain now works and the hero or victim naively acts in a way that helps the villain. This may range from providing the villain with something (perhaps a map or magical weapon) to actively working against good people (perhaps the villain has persuaded the hero that these other people are actually bad).
  8. VILLAINY or LACK: Villain causes harm/injury to family member (by abduction, theft of magical agent, spoiling crops, plunders in other forms, causes a disappearance, expels someone, casts spell on someone, substitutes child etc., commits murder, imprisons/detains someone, threatens forced marriage, provides nightly torments); Alternatively, a member of family lacks something or desires something (magical potion etc.). There are two options for this function, either or both of which may appear in the story. In the first option, the villain causes some kind of harm, for example carrying away a victim or the desired magical object (which must be then be retrieved). In the second option, a sense of lack is identified, for example in the hero's family or within a community, whereby something is identified as lost or something becomes desirable for some reason, for example a magical object that will save people in some way.
  9. MEDIATION: Misfortune or lack is made known, (hero is dispatched, hears call for help etc./ alternative is that victimized hero is sent away, freed from imprisonment). The hero now discovers the act of villainy or lack, perhaps finding their family or community devastated or caught up in a state of anguish and woe.
  10. BEGINNING COUNTER-ACTION: Seeker agrees to, or decides upon counter-action. The hero now decides to act in a way that will resolve the lack, for example finding a needed magical item, rescuing those who are captured or otherwise defeating the villain. This is a defining moment for the hero as this is the decision that sets the course of future actions and by which a previously ordinary person takes on the mantle of heroism.
  11. DEPARTURE: Hero leaves home;
  12. FIRST FUNCTION OF THE DONOR: Hero is tested, interrogated, attacked etc., preparing the way for his/her receiving of a magical agent or helper (donor);
  13. HERO'S REACTION: Hero reacts to actions of future donor (withstands/fails the test, frees captive, reconciles disputants, performs service, uses adversary's powers against him);
  14. RECEIPT OF A MAGICAL AGENT: Hero acquires use of a magical agent (directly transferred, located, purchased, prepared, spontaneously appears, eaten/drunk, help offered by other characters);
  15. GUIDANCE: Hero is transferred, delivered or led to whereabouts of an object of the search;
  16. STRUGGLE: Hero and villain join in direct combat;
  17. BRANDING: Hero is branded (wounded/marked, receives ring or scarf);
  18. VICTORY: Villain is defeated (killed in combat, defeated in contest, killed while asleep, banished);
  19. LIQUIDATION: Initial misfortune or lack is resolved (object of search distributed, spell broken, slain person revived, captive freed);
  20. RETURN: Hero returns;
  21. PURSUIT: Hero is pursued (pursuer tries to kill, eat, undermine the hero);
  22. RESCUE: Hero is rescued from pursuit (obstacles delay pursuer, hero hides or is hidden, hero transforms unrecognisably, hero saved from attempt on his/her life);
  23. UNRECOGNIZED ARRIVAL: Hero unrecognized, arrives home or in another country;
  24. UNFOUNDED CLAIMS: False hero presents unfounded claims;
  25. DIFFICULT TASK: Difficult task proposed to the hero (trial by ordeal, riddles, test of strength/endurance, other tasks);
  26. SOLUTION: Task is resolved;
  27. RECOGNITION: Hero is recognized (by mark, brand, or thing given to him/her);
  28. EXPOSURE: False hero or villain is exposed;
  29. TRANSFIGURATION: Hero is given a new appearance (is made whole, handsome, new garments etc.);
  30. PUNISHMENT: Villain is punished;
  31. WEDDING: Hero marries and ascends the throne (is rewarded/promoted).

The Villain 
  • The Villain struggles against hero.The villain is typically shown as being morally bad.This turns audience against him and drives them to support the hero.the villains lack of moral serves to highlight goodness of the hero

The Hero
  • The Hero leads the narrative and often the story is his own.Usually we want this person to succeed in the story

The Princess/Prize
  • The Princess take two forms,he/she may be object which is deliberately sought out by hero,perhaps finding where the villain has taken him/her.secondly,she may be the reward,such that after completing some other mission,they gain his/her affections hand in marriage
  • They may have allot or no relevance to the story,they may accompany hero on journey

The Donor
  • The Donor is a person who gives the Hero something special,such as a magical weapon or some particularly wisdom,a clue or  special power.This gift enables the Hero to complete their quest
  • This role may be combined with that of a helper.The donor may not give up their gift without setting the hero another task,from a simple riddle to another

The Helper
  • The Hero is supported in his or her quest by a helper,who appears at critical moments to provide support
  • the helper may also be found in a support role,helping the hero throughout the story
  • the limitations of the helper often highlight characteristics of the hero such as intelligence,determination and courage

The Princesses Father
  • The Princess’Father gives task to hero
  • The Princess Father is a key figure for Hero to persuade,as the father is almost always  always protective of his daughter.The father may also be in competition in some way with the Hero for Princess’s and triangle may form
  • Propp noted that functionally,the princess and the father can not be clearly distinguished

The False Hero

  • the false Hero appears to act heroically and may even initially be mistaken for the real Hero
  • The false Hero will try to steal the Hero thunder,grabbing the credit and perhaps trying to marry the princess instead
  • The false Hero may also gain the respect or other control of princess’s Father,thus frustrating the Hero’s ability to gain the hand of the princess

The Dispatcher
  • An early role in the story is that of the Dispatcher who sends the Hero on the mission.This may be family member such as a mother or father
  • It can be the Princess’s Father,who gives the Hero a set of quests to be completed before he gains the hand of the Princess
  • The Dispatcher may also be combined with another role,for example the false hero who when trails along behind

The Rouge Hero

  • A main character that does not follow the rules of being a hero however the narrative is centred around him/her
  • this is not one of Propp’s ideas

Monday 10 November 2014

Preliminary task


Establishing Shot
This was used to show the audience where the scene is located;often an extreme long shot.

Over Shoulder Shot
Giver the point of view of a character; often used in conversation

Tracking Shot
Used to follow a moving character,often used to show a character interacting with his environment

Close up
This is used to show a characters entire facial expressions or to focus on a important prop

Mid shot
This is used to establish a character in a scene because it shows at least half of the characters body

Sunday 9 November 2014

Story Board

This is my story board to my opening title sequence it is expected to change.Many shots will be removed or altered over the following weeks.

First edition