Wednesday 29 October 2014

Camera Shots

Establishing shot

  • sets up or establishes a scene or setting
  • traditionally a shot at the begging of a scene
  • e.g a exterior shot of building then interior shot of people talking shows that conversation in building

Close up

  • close up on persons head or object
  • used to see a whole facial expression or view a prop

Extreme close up

  • zoomed in on a small object or part of body
  • often to show reactions or to mask an identity of a character

Mid shot

  • framing an object five feet high
  • usefully in genre such a western where a cowboys weapon must be shown

Long shot

  • framing a tall object like a standing human
  • It is stable and can film movement
  • often used in musicals and martial arts
  • it also shows surrounding 

Extreme long shot

  • to scale an object very small
  • can film a building,landscape,crowd of people
  • last shot of sequence or establishing shot
  • it can show where characters meet
  • or used to film large objects such as planes
  • extreme long shots from an arial perspective is called a birds eye view

Wide shot

  • action scene
  • wide panoramic view
  • wide angle lens

Two shot

  • shoes to people that do not have to be next to each other
  • shows emotional reactions between characters

Aerial shot

  • shot taken from a high stationary position
  • such as a helicopter,crane or plane


  • shot taken from where characters eyes would be
  • shows what character would see
  • used in horror films and thrillers

Over shoulder shot

  • characters point of view but includes part of shoulder

High angle

  • a shot from above pointing down on action 
  • to show character is threatened or insignificant

Low angle

  • a shot taken from below pointing up at action
  • implies power and superiority

straights on eye level shot

  • shot on same level as subject 
  • implies equality and normality


  • movement of camera body from left to right
  • to show relationship between character and place and alerts us of proximity 
  • the speed implies different dramatic purposes

Tracking shot

  • a shot which follows character and moves character 


  • support for camera that allows it to move in all directions
  • to move camera towards-dolly in
  • to move camera from -dolly out or back

Crane shot

  • camera above ground moving in any direction
  • often an extreme long shot
  • can create sense of an all knowing character

Hand held steady camera

  • either hand held camera or on a gyroscopic stabiliser
  • gives a degree of jerky movement and flexibility 

Zoom shot

  • changing the focal lens in a shot or zooming in 
  • often to establish an object in a scene

Reverse Zoom

  • zooming out

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