Friday 31 October 2014

The Most Famous fictional Psychopaths

Once a hobbit named Smiegle he discovered a powerful ring that had allot of influence over him.He became so obsessed that he became schitsophenic and went into the mountains to keep the ring for himself.He changed his diet to fish,goblins and other repulsive meals.This caused him to quickly change to an almost goblin like creature.His multiple personality and obsession with the ring make him an iconic character throughout the lord of the rings trilogy and hobbit trilogy.

Max Cady
In the film Cape Fear.Max Cady is a convicted Rapist trying to get revenge on his eattorney He does via stalking,assault,rape and murder.This role is played excellently  by Robert De niro 

Frank Booth
In the film Blue Velvet he kills his victims on whim.As well as murdering them he mutilates them and raps them.He drugs up himself before a murder so he feels that he is no longer restricted by reality.This causes him to have two personality's baby and Daddy.

Colonel Kurtz 
In the film Apocalypse now.Kurtz has been so effected by the war that he believes he is a god in jungle of Cambodia that can give punishment and rules.This is played by Marlin Brando 

In the film A Clock work orange Alex is a gang leader who rapes,assaults and murder innocent people for pleasure and enjoyment.All attempts at brainwashing him into hating violence has failed

John Doe 
Kevin spacey plays the role of a convict who makes murders based on the seven sins.He is able to rationalise his murder with logic and  believes he serves god.

Patrick Bateman
In American Psycho Patrick Bateman is a wealthy businessmen obsessed with Porn,Drugs and murdering Prostitutes,co workers and homeless people.He is a Lurid character obsessed with himself and various ways of murdering someone

The Joker
The Joker has made multiple appearances in batman films,comics and other pieces if media.He is not obsessed with money or power but chaos.What interesting about him is that he sees everything as a joke and gets amusement from others pain.He is a mysterious character as none truly know his origin

Vaas Montenegro
In The popular game Far Cry 3 Vaas is a leader of pirates who have captured a unknown island some where in continent of Australasia.He treats the people who originally lived on the island like animal.He contemplates what makes people insane and wether or not he is.The multiple encounters you have with him are equally rememberable due the surprises he always has in store

Trevor Philips
A southerner with a psychopathic twist.He lives in the rural part of the fictional city Los santos a parody of Los angles.He is anti hero known for surprises he causes mass murder over small problems.He lives in poor conditions.Yet some how by the end of the game makes billions due to his successful bank heist.What interesting is seeing where he spawns in the game often in some crazy situation which involves either sex,violence alcohol or drugs often all at the same time.

Annie Wilkes
In the Film Misery Annie Wilkes rescues a novelist from a storm.She is cheerful and nice until it revealed she is bipolar schizophrenic and paranoid.She is willing to do anything to maintain her fantasy even if it means abusing the novelist so he does not ever get better

Norman Bates
In Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho considered to be the best Psycho thriller of all time.At first he seems to be a kind nice young man.But it becomes apparent due to some issues with his mother he is a complete nutcase.He has multiple personality disorder witch makes him a murderer

Dr Hannibal Lecter 
In silence of the lambs he is cannibal with a Psychology degree.What makes him creepy is the fact he is witty and intelligent
What makes a good Psychopath

  • Must have brain disorder  such multiple personalty disorder,schizophrenia,Paranoia,Being and Bipolar
  • Must have some sort of obsession with violence such as rape,murder or assault 
  • Must have some sort of addiction to drugs,alcohol,violence or a person
  • Must have a significant emotional cause that made them Psychopathic or none at all
  • Must Have some sort of greater cause or motive 
  • Must do irrational things but try and rationalise them or have some sort if intelligence making the viewer question their sanity
  • Must have some sort of power or very little to show how much effect his action have despite his social position

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Camera Shots

Establishing shot

  • sets up or establishes a scene or setting
  • traditionally a shot at the begging of a scene
  • e.g a exterior shot of building then interior shot of people talking shows that conversation in building

Close up

  • close up on persons head or object
  • used to see a whole facial expression or view a prop

Extreme close up

  • zoomed in on a small object or part of body
  • often to show reactions or to mask an identity of a character

Mid shot

  • framing an object five feet high
  • usefully in genre such a western where a cowboys weapon must be shown

Long shot

  • framing a tall object like a standing human
  • It is stable and can film movement
  • often used in musicals and martial arts
  • it also shows surrounding 

Extreme long shot

  • to scale an object very small
  • can film a building,landscape,crowd of people
  • last shot of sequence or establishing shot
  • it can show where characters meet
  • or used to film large objects such as planes
  • extreme long shots from an arial perspective is called a birds eye view

Wide shot

  • action scene
  • wide panoramic view
  • wide angle lens

Two shot

  • shoes to people that do not have to be next to each other
  • shows emotional reactions between characters

Aerial shot

  • shot taken from a high stationary position
  • such as a helicopter,crane or plane


  • shot taken from where characters eyes would be
  • shows what character would see
  • used in horror films and thrillers

Over shoulder shot

  • characters point of view but includes part of shoulder

High angle

  • a shot from above pointing down on action 
  • to show character is threatened or insignificant

Low angle

  • a shot taken from below pointing up at action
  • implies power and superiority

straights on eye level shot

  • shot on same level as subject 
  • implies equality and normality


  • movement of camera body from left to right
  • to show relationship between character and place and alerts us of proximity 
  • the speed implies different dramatic purposes

Tracking shot

  • a shot which follows character and moves character 


  • support for camera that allows it to move in all directions
  • to move camera towards-dolly in
  • to move camera from -dolly out or back

Crane shot

  • camera above ground moving in any direction
  • often an extreme long shot
  • can create sense of an all knowing character

Hand held steady camera

  • either hand held camera or on a gyroscopic stabiliser
  • gives a degree of jerky movement and flexibility 

Zoom shot

  • changing the focal lens in a shot or zooming in 
  • often to establish an object in a scene

Reverse Zoom

  • zooming out

Monday 27 October 2014


Diegetic sound
sound character would hear this may come from a person or object ,it is within the field of vision 

Non Diegetic sound
sound that is added in and that character would not hear

Sound Bridge
more comfortably move from one visually unrelated scene to another without jarring

Sound Motif
a sound associated with a certain character or place

Sound effect
sound added to visuals in editing

Sound Perspective
recording that lets us know sound is near or distant 

Ambient Sound
background sound that is diegetic but not always in field of vision

sound of actor talking to each some times re-recorded and actors lip-sync which is called foley recording

Voice over
non diegetic voice is added to give information

Mode of address
The manner in which narrative comes to the audience(e.g narrator)

Direct address
when narrator or character speaks directly to audience(breaking the fourth wall)

Sound Mixing
when different sounds are mixed using a multi-track mixing desk

Sound Track
  • score-music composed and played specifically for production
  • incident music-non diegetic music that accompanies events or change
  • theme-music that suits a particular character or programme
  • strings-short bursts of music
  • ambient sound-can be recorded on location or can be added to sound track



James Bond is in the water it possible he trying to escape from some one.

It is now clear James bond has been shot 
Some one has grabbed his hand possibly to pull him out of the water

Now is now obvious he is being dragged possibly he may have been betrayed by someone he trusted
he is being sucked into a sink hole this also looks abit like  bullet hole
Skyfall the title has been introduced
a silhouette of James bond falling implies he must have fallen of something into the water
Target shaped like James bond implies that James bond has been shot
This is a naked women under water.Could this be the famous bond girl

James bond corpse has reached the bottom of the sea.
guns and knives are falling from sky hinting that their may be allot of violence in this film.
these weapons form graves hinting their may be allot of deaths in this film.

This house house is mysterious possibly the one James bond grew up in and the fact that their is red lighting hints blood shed may happen here.
The extreme close up on eye implies that the film may be focussed on James bond possibly his past.
James bond is armed in a mysterious setting looking for something possibly the villin.
He begins to shoot shadows form this i infer that the villain of this film may not be obvious or hard to find.
The red liquid reinforces that there will be blood shed in this film.
The blood forms a skull could this be an emblem of a terrorist organisation and could they be responsible for all the bloodshed
The Chinese style dragon kite hints some of the film is shot in china.
A man is sitting in a chair could this be the villain and why is he hidden in fire could this mean he is a mysterious character or hard to find.
Reinforcing the fact that their is a bond girl.
Reinforcing the fact their will be violence within this film.
Reinforcing the importance of this house.

Reinforcing the presents of death and a terrorist organisation
He shoots a mirror but it is his own reflection could this mean he may be responsible for his own death.
Their is going to be bloodshed at this house and deaths.
The film is focused on bond his feelings and his past instead of what he does.

Mission impossible

A match being lit 
The match is light a dynamite

Paramount picture
a computer looking through a file of agents it has landed on tom cruise the main character in the film
could this be another agent or villain or possibly tom cruises love
possibly some documents have been stolen or deleted

The main actor has helped produce the film 
Maybe tom cruise has spotted something surprising or unexpected
Dynamite cable burning 
A person on some sort of gadget could this be tom cruise's assistant helping guiding through missions or his nemesis.
This person is shown again but it looks as if he is hiding from someone
Tom cruise taking some sort of Drug.This hints his job may be stressful causing him to develop an addiction.

 Looks as if he is spying on someone and if so who and why this lets us know that the film is probably about spy's.

Blood hand possibly someone has been killed or tortured
Complex security system possibly spys may have to manoeuvre through this to get information
An explosion this implies there will be allot of violence and action in this film.

Some one being knocked out reinforcing the element of violence within this film.
Tom cruise possibly about to have sex with another character hints that there will be relationships within this film.
Dynamite cable burning.

Blood. Maybe someone has been injured
A stranger walking
change of lighting hints she is being watched possibly by a spy
change of lighting hints she is being watched possibly by a spy

she might be a spy of the united states of america
a profile of a spy 
he is using some sort of gadget on a elevator but the change of lighting hints he is being watched
he might be hacking into some sort of system
profile of another agent
change of lighting hints she is being watched
another agent
some one on computer could this be the person viewing the agents files
tom cruise reading possibly deciphering a riddle
his file showing he is an agent 
tom cruise
classified document

tom cruise has discovered something
another possible spy 
Dynamite cable ignited
this possible spy looks like she has discovered something important
He might be a high ranking spy as he looks as if he is telling other spy's something
the fact he has headphones on hints he may work with gadgets 
is someone trying to destroy these documents about spy's using the ignited dynamite cable.
is this the anonymous person viewing the files
possibly to spy's fighting while attached to a harness.Why is this so?
It is now clear it is because the elevator has been Brocken.
It is now spelling out title.
The title of movie.


Pages are being turned but why are they blank could this be a diary or a scrap book
This person is cutting his fingers,he could be a psycho 

The title 
He is writing in his scrap book.
He is cutting bits of he trying to censor something
He is adding it to his scrap.Why is he documenting this film is it important to him.
He is censoring words as well.why is this could he be working for government or is he just a odd person.
He is doing this allot showing this has some sort of significance to him.
He has censored a picture of a child.It is now apparent that this films main theme is censorship 
This scrap book he is writing may hint he has OCD
This person might be stalker.which explain why he is doing so much research
He is sewing up his scrap book.He may have limited resources.
He has a hair sample possibly of a kid in the photo.They look exposed.Could he be a pedophile
He has allot of scrap books.Could this be a strange hobby of his.
The title